Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I hate writing these posts

I hate writing these types of posts because I don't like to whine. Especially because everything happens due to choices you make.


I'm so stressed out over money. I just went over our budget and after what my husband and I bring home after taxes we'll only have about $60 left. That's after all our bills and things like food and gas.

This month is even worse. I did our budget and because of things popping up (like the A/C, we cancelled the plumber) we're going to be $600 short. So that means groceries and something else are going on the credit card. Along with Big E's doctor bills, Squirt's doctor bills, etc. I can't take the stress of knowing we're building up so much debt.

And it's not like we have much to pay a month. It's just that together we bring home $2200/month.

We have no car payments. No student loans to pay. Nothing. Well, now we have credit card debt. Yet we still live paycheck to paycheck.

And I'd love to get off of WIC. I hate it. Especially because we have checks here and where I food shop there's only 1 person that can check you out (I guess store policy) so it's not only embarrassing but it takes forever so people behind you get annoyed. I just want to cry every time I have to go use the checks. And of course Big E doesn't deal with it so he just doesn't understand.

I know I need to find a job, I've been looking. But it's not worth it to go part-time unless I can find an overnight job that I can do while Big E is home. But then it may not be worth it because working at night and then having to be up all day with kids isn't going to be fun.

Plus I've applied to probably close to 100 jobs and been called for 3 interviews but haven't got anything. I can't even get a job at stupid lowe's. It's awful.

I can't wait till January when I mobilize so we can have some more money, but it's only a crutch. Once I get home after that I'll be back to searching for a job all over again. I can't deal with this stress. I just want it to be easier to live and to find somewhere to work.

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